Sunday, April 25, 2010

Vogue china april 2010

Interview in Vogue China April

Friday, April 02, 2010

Vogue Party NYC

craig lawrence, fannie schiavoni, emma watson and christopher raeburn

holly fulton, fannie schiavoni, craig lawrence and atlanta weller

fannie schiavoni, craig lawrence, mark holgate and antonio fiengo

craig lawrence and emma watson

fannie schiavoni and simon ward

christopher raeburn and emma watson

anna orsini and barbara grispini

jean-pierre braganza, antonio fiengo, mark fast

craig lawrence and fannie schiavoni

fannie schiavoni, conctance jablonski and heikki salonen

antonio fiengo and hannah marshall

carmen perez-pineda and christopher raeburn

maria francesca pepe, antonio fiengo, daria and christopher raeburn

Pictures curtesy of Christopher Reaburn / Antonio Fengio / /